Leona Lucille MELLEN

Leona Lucille MELLEN

Female 1896 - 1994  (98 years)


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Mellen, William and Mary's Family

These folks are the children of William and Lizzie Mellen and their spouses. Front row are (L-R) Leonide Mulder (wife of Grenville), Angie Fagan (wife of Myrl), Nonie (Leona), Dotsie (Doris Fox, wife of Roy), Beebee (Marie), and Beth (Elizabeth). The men are Grenville, Myrl, Bobby, Roy, Grafton Carr (husband of Marie), and Ernest Fivel (husband of Elizabeth).

File namemellen-william-henry-01.jpg
File Size8.22k
Dimensions244 x 166
Linked toFamily: Carr/Mellen (F870); Family: Fivel/Mellen (F869); Family: Mellen/Mulder (F868); Family: Mellen/Fagan (F864); Family: Mellen/Fox (F871); Family: Mellen/Mouton (F863); Leona Lucille MELLEN

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